$25.00 AUD


Loss - strategies and supports

Loss can hit ANYONE at ANY TIME. Often associated with grieving, it can also be caused by divorce, the end of a long friendship, retrenchment, retirement and much more. 

In today's digital world, managing Loss can be even more complex, with ongoing scrutiny and the ability of strangers - or people who have left our life - able to 'follow' us around.

You are not alone in experiencing a sense of Loss in this modern world. But Kultchafi is here to help you Heal and move forward.

In this short course, you will learn how to:

  • IDENTIFY the cause, or causes, of Loss in your life
  • RECOGNISE the impacts a sense of Loss can cause
  • APPLY effective strategies to deal with your Loss
  • UNDERSTAND how to support others experiencing the debilitating impacts of Loss

This course will help you to prevent loss from harming your health, happiness, or success, or that of someone close to you.

This training is part of a series called Trauma, Grief, Loneliness and Loss, and is designed for people of all backgrounds and genders.

Core content is delivered via a video lesson, to enhance the learning experience. This training also includes a Guided Reflection and a 'Check your knowledge' segment.

On successful completion of the course, you will receive a Certificate which you can add to your resume.

 You can complete this Kultchafi short course in less than an hour. So join us today and discover how Kultchafi can help you transform your loss into growth.

What People Are Saying:

An inspiring experience.

Dr M Ghabriel

The quality and standard of Kultchafi training is exceptional

Australasian College of Pharmacy

What you have provided to me through this training is amazing.

Grace E